Building effective ethics and compliance programmes
In today’s global marketplace, a company’s approach to ethical issues such as bribery and corruption, human rights, labour standards, workplace culture and health and safety can make or break reputations. Ensuring that a rigorous ethics and compliance programme is in place is essential.
GoodCorporation offers a range of business ethics consultancy services to help our clients to design, build, embed and evaluate effective ethics and compliance programmes.
In particular we work with compliance, ethics and corporate responsibility teams to measure and assess business practices to ensure that they are working well. We ensure that the correct policies, procedures and systems are in place, tailored to the needs of each organisation.

The measure of a good company
Using our portfolio of proprietary frameworks, we evaluate and benchmark these programmes for businesses, regulators and external advisers, identifying whether good practice is properly embedded and what action might be needed.
With expertise across a wide range of ethics and compliance topics, we have worked across most industries and sectors, measuring and assessing business practices to see how well they work in practice. We ensure that the correct policies, procedures and systems are in place, tailored to the needs of each organisation and the sectors and jurisdictions in which they operate.
Our methodologies
We have developed robust methodologies, based on internationally recognised best practices, for testing and evaluating the strength and effectiveness of management practices and systems. Â We combine documentary analysis with stakeholder interviews and site visits to identify any gaps, benchmark against best practice, assess risk, and provide solutions..

We design ethics and compliance programmes that align with internationally recognised best practice complete with measurement metrics and KPIs to track improvement over time to facilitate internal and external reporting.

We help clients build the systems and processes they need to fulfill their legal obligations, including codes of conduct, human rights and anti-corruption programmes, supply chain due diligence assessments, speak-up systems and risk assessments.

Once developed we offer a range of training programmes to help roll-out and embed new systems and processes across the organisation.

Our frameworks are used to test the effectiveness of ethics, compliance and sustainability programmes, providing graded scores and performance metrics. They can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses in management practices and as a guideline for the development of due diligence programmes, benchmarking exercises, investigations and risk assessments.
Explore our frameworks
GoodCorporation's portfolio of proprietary frameworks act as practical guides for organisations looking to implement best practice and manage the wide range of ethics, compliance and sustainability challenges they face.